Etive Restaurant with rooms

January 18, 2017 Filed in Restaurants

I was helping my wife the photographer Caroline Trotter to do a “shoot” she had over on the west coast at what was the Taynuilt MORE >


December 5, 2016 Filed in Food

If you value food and where it comes from and the people who make it, then this Christmas please set a little aside to help MORE >

whats coming up?

November 15, 2016 Filed in Events

At this time of year people often say to me “Christopher you must be coming to your busy time” Well if the truth be told, MORE >


November 2, 2016 Filed in Events

Consider all the core skills that go to making a balanced socially comfortable person who can thrive in his or her community with confidence. The MORE >

Say “Cheese”, yes please!

September 1, 2016 Filed in IAD 2016

IAD 2016 Cheese: -why cheese? Well as I said in my July blog we have a strange bunch of bedfellows for this quarter and apples MORE >

Innovation in action event – come along!

July 25, 2016 Filed in Events | IAD 2016

Welcome to my July posting, no recipe this month, but an invitation to join me and some wonderful Fife people to celebrate IAD 2016 please MORE >

Pork, Cheese & Apples!

July 12, 2016 Filed in Food

Stuart Minick of “Minick Butchers” is nothing if not an innovator, and in light of the theme for this year, and this quarter, I am MORE >

Crail and Ballantrae Food festivals June 2016

June 13, 2016 Filed in Food

What a week end! from Crail To Ballantrae, some really lovely people and of course really great produce. Honoured to be asked again to work MORE >

Kale with sausages and potatoes

June 9, 2016 Filed in Books | Events | Recipe of the month

Use your favourite sausage for this; it doesn’t need to be anything fancy just a good pork sausage. You can also add some spice like MORE >

Ten things to do this June

June 3, 2016 Filed in Restaurants | Tours

As the Summer kicks in there is loads to see and do in Fife and so with an eye on our Innovation Architecture and Design MORE >

Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker