Kale with sausages and potatoes

Kale_sausage_potatoes (2)

Use your favourite sausage for this; it doesn’t need to be anything fancy just a good pork sausage. You can also add some spice like cumin or paprika, just after the garlic stage.  Only peel the potatoes if the skins are particularly blemished or hard.  Most of the nutrients are just under the skin which you lose if you peel it.


6 sausages

300g kale,

1 tbsp rapeseed oil

1 onion peeled and chopped

2 cloves garlic crushed

500g Ayrshire epicures cut in a chunky dice

100ml water

Hebridean sea salt

Coarsely ground black pepper


1 Cook the sausages in the oven and cut into small chunks.

2  Separate the kale from the stalks and chop the stalks quite finely, and shred the leaves.

3 Take a frying pan and add the oil and sweat the onion with the kale stalks for a few minutes. Stir in   the diced potatoes, and colour lightly. Add garlic , the salt and the shredded kale, stirring to coat.

4 Lower the heat and add the water and cover. Cook for about 10 minutes.

5 Remove the lid, raise the heat and add the sausages. The water will all evaporate; mix through thoroughly and check seasoning.

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Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker