
Cookery courses, classes and workshops led by a professional chef

The enduring popularity of cookery courses and classes with people of all ages can perhaps be partly explained by the fact that sourcing, preparing and cooking food is hardwired into our DNA, tapping into an age-old human instinct to nourish ourselves and our loved ones.

There’s something inherently ritualistic and elemental about foraging for, selecting, washing, chopping and cooking fresh, seasonal ingredients to create a delicious dish that can ultimately be shared and savoured by one’s friends and family.

Sitting down afterwards to enjoy a dish or meal prepared during a cookery class simply extends what is already a highly pleasurable and immersive culinary experience.

Why not book a Scottish Culinary Tour with Christopher as a treat for yourself and some friends.

Make your cooking dreams come true …

Cookery workshopsKeen to learn how to prepare and cook Scottish fish or game? Ready to experiment with innovative and tasty vegetarian dishes? Eager to master new culinary skills that are guaranteed to wow your friends and family?

I can help you fulfil any of the above culinary aspirations – and to achieve so much more in the kitchen. Traditional or contemporary Scottish cooking? Influences and fusions from other international cuisines? The choice is yours when you book a specialist cook course. Get in touch with me and I'll explain.

Learn new cookery skills at a cooking workshop in Scotland

Have you ever looked on in awe as a professional chef chopped onions at the speed of light or filleted a fish with a flick of the wrist, and thought to yourself “How on earth do they make that look so easy? Where could I learn cookery skills like that?”

At one of my relaxed, hands-on, bespoke cooking workshops, you’ll learn practical cookery skills that you’ll feel confident to take home and put into action in your own kitchen immediately.

Learn to cook with Scottish seasonal produce

As a professional chef, I’ve always been passionate about cooking with locally sourced and seasonal produce. And when it comes to outstanding cheese, fruit, fish, vegetables, meat, baking and beverages, Scotland’s natural larder is the gastronomic gift that keeps on giving!

  • Luscious soft fruit
  • Succulent vegetables (checkout Christopher's vegetable cook books)
  • Fresher-than-fresh seafood
  • Cheese to dignify the finest cheeseboards in the world
  • Perfectly baked oatcakes to accompany said cheese …
  • Top-quality Scotch beef, lamb and pork
  • Flavoursome local wild game including venison and pheasant
  • Melt-in-the mouth shortbread
  • Tantalisingly sweet tablet
  • A range of iconic Scottish whiskies that are the envy of the world …

Whether you’re already a keen amateur chef or a complete beginner, I can help you to take full advantage in your kitchen of the wonderfully diverse and delicious produce that’s available on our doorstep here in Scotland.

Christopher has written some amazing cookery books, see more here.

Testimonials for my cookery classes

Here’s just a selection of the positive feedback from grateful participants in cookery classes that I’ve run recently for corporate and private clients:

“Christopher, what did you do with them? The group have not stopped talking about your event and are working more cohesively than ever.” [Kintyre Marketing]

“Thank you very much for taking part in last weekend’s Bowhouse Market. The two workshops you did were brilliant – really highlighting to our visitors how to cook game and the importance of seasonal local food and drink in Fife. It was brilliant!!” [Rosie Jack, Bowhouse]

Bespoke cookery classes and demos

Cookery classesFlexibility is a key ingredient of all my cookery courses and events. Whatever your cookery class requirements – for fun, team building or as a gift – I can help.

And if you’re not too keen on wielding a shiny Sabatier knife yourself, perhaps you’d prefer a cookery demo? Allow me to prepare lunch or dinner for you and your friends or colleagues while you sit back, relax and watch the culinary process unfold before your appreciative eyes.

Just call me on 07739 049639 or email and let me create a Scottish cookery course, workshop or demo that allows you to find your inner chef.

Just call me on 07739 049639, fill in my enquiry form, or email and let me create a Scottish cookery course, workshop or demo that allows you to find your inner chef.

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Wigtown Book festival

I have just returned from a wonderful trip to the Wigtown Book festival, where I was being interviewed about my new book “Coasts and Waters MORE >

Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker