the whole cow

The journey north to Inverness is always beautiful and although half of it was in darkness you can still feel the huge open spaces as you hammer up the A9. It was the day that the ski slopes opened at Aviemore, not that I saw any snow!

Tastyness is a great little food festival organised by Shearwater events at the Mercure hotel in Inverness. It combines good local suppliers with cooking demos from local chefs and yours truly. There was even a room set aside to entertain children in. I did two demos; one using beef to promote my The Whole Cow book with meat from Grants of Speyside stuart@grantsofspeyside.co.uk which was excellent and a shellfish work shop which was a pleasure to give. Orkney Scallops were amazing with shells 18 cm’s across! Lovely firm meat. Mussels and jumpingly fresh langoustines from Alasdair Allen ali.jpl@btinternet.com www.jplshellfish.co.uk the local fish man. The demos went really well superbly compared by Nicola McAlley @NicolaMcAlley Also there was the Cromarty cheese co. with some well aged Dutch cheese and a cake lady! Elizabeth Brown from bake@capabilitybrowns.com Duncan Chisholm from La Tortilla Castle street in Inverness @latortilla1. whose tapas looked superb.
Over all a great wee celebration of local and seasonal produce , watch out for next year and well done Carole and Fiona!

Wigtown Book festival

October 31, 2022

I have just returned from a wonderful trip to the Wigtown Book festival, where I was being interviewed about my new book “Coasts and Waters MORE >

Managing a Food based zoom meeting

July 20, 2021

I get all sorts of enquiries for all sorts of different jobs, but one I had recently was just wonderful. As a member of the MORE >

Walking Tours

April 16, 2021

I am the chair of the Levenmouth Tourism Association, and we try to keep communication open with all “customer facing” enterprises in the region. As MORE >

Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker