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This recipe is taken from my new book which I have produced with my photographer wife Caroline Trotter, its called Beetroot and is available from Waterstones or directly from me at only £5.50 it makes a great present for foodies!


Gold beetroot is not easy to find and is perhaps best grown in your own garden. We are lucky in Fife to have Bruce Bennett’s Pillars of Hercules in Falkland where he does grow it organically. The two combined in this simple salad look very attractive.

What you will need

  • 500g golden beetroot
  • 500g red beetroot
  • 80g sunflower seeds
  • 90ml maple syrup (3 tbsp)
  • 1 tbsp wine or sherry vinegar
  • 4tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves
  • Fresh herb leaves as garnish
  • 60g baby chard, rocket or young beetroot leaves
  • Salt and black pepper

How to cook

  1. Roast the beetroots in an oven.
  2. Toast the sunflower seeds in a dry pan until lightly coloured.
  3. Blend the syrup, vinegar, oil and garlic to form a dressing.
  4. Peel the beetroots, or rub off skin with your hands, and cut into even size pieces, mix with the chosen green leaves and dress with the sunflower seeds and dressing and season to taste, garnish with the herbs.

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Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker