Lamb Gigot chop with tomato salsa

August is here and the summer is pushing on, It’s been a busy time with cooking classes both here and in people’s homes. and food tours in Fife and Perthshire. I will be in Loch Lomond on Saturday 29th August again, hope to see you there.



One of my favourite foods at this time of year is a proper gigot chop, a lovely piece of meat from the leg with the bone still in the middle helping keep the moisture and flavour in. On a barbecue its great but of course make sure that you buy Scottish lamb. The flavour is much better.
Simply dry the chops well with kitchen paper and rub with some olive oil, ideally if you have time, leave them in some oil with crushed rosemary for about 20 minutes
To cook; season lightly and place on the hot part of the grill and sear on both sides. Then over a reduced, less fierce heat, cook for a few more minutes. Then lastly position upright to cook on the fat side, this cooks the fat thoroughly and allows the meat to rest a bit to make it more tender.

Serve with the salsa below and some colourful salads.

450gms ripe tomatoes, blanched, skinned and seeded
2 cloves crushed garlic
1 shallot finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
Zest of a lemon finely chopped
2 tbsp wine vinegar
6 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

1 Dice the tomato into quarters
2 Combine with the herbs, garlic, shallot and lemon zest.
3 Whisk together the oil and vinegar, combine all ingredients.

Thanks to Caroline Trotter for the photo

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Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker