Food Classes & Gift Vouchers



Here is my autumnal recipe of the month. I am lucky enough to have several apple trees and try to use the fruit as much as I can so this is a favourite recipe, at the moment it’s based on a Dan Lepard recipe. I hope you enjoy it,

But before the recipe, let me take a moment to let you know about my cooking workshops and classes which will make a great present for family and friends, or business colleagues and clients. All classes can be in your kitchen or mine as you prefer. It makes an ideal pre Christmas get together or perhaps a special family gift. Just think the whole family all doing something together as one gift! How easy is that! You can choose the dishes or subjects or let me discuss ideas with the recipients.
Here are just a few ideas of what you might go for


1 ingredients – whats your favourite fish? Veg? Spices?

2 or maybe a nationality Italian French Spanish?

3 or maybe dishes starter main and pud perhaps or salads whats in season? Curries? Baking?

Its easy just get in touch and sort your Christmas ideas out now!

Don’t forget office or work gifts – Corporate thank yous and away days

Just e mail me for ideas and I can send you a voucher

Enjoy the recipe!



160 g plain flour
30g cornflour
¾ tsp baking powder
75g icing sugar
125g butter cut into small pieces
1 egg beaten

1kg apples
Grated zest and juice of a lemon
A little water
Caster sugar

1 Put the flour cornflour baking powder and sugar into a bowl, with the butter and work together with your finger tips to create a bread crumb like texture
2 Add the egg and work to a dough. Set aside in a cool place
3 Peel and core the apples and cut into rough chunks, cook gently in a pan with the lemon zest and juice and a little water until just tender. Allow to cool
4 Roll out the pastry keeping a little back or the top, to line the base and sides of a 20cm dish with a removable base, use plenty of flour to prevent sticking! And cut away any excess pastry
5 Turn the oven to 170C gas 3

6 Roll out the remaining pastry ( plus the bits you have taken from the sides of the dish) to form a lid
7 Fill the pie dish with the cooked apple and cover with the lid, pinch the sides together to seal.
8 Sprinkle with caster sugar and bake for 30 – 40m minutes.

thanks of course to Caroline Trotter for the picture


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Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker