BBC Radio Scotland : The Kitchen Café

Wild mushrooms by Caroline Trotter
Invited again to contribute to BBC Radio Scotland’s excellent programme, Kitchen Café on Wednesday 3 October 2012. We were talking about apples, mushrooms and stock. Colleague and great chef Neil Forbes was doing a lovely chicken recipe and also on air was my old friend Mary Contini from Valvona & Crolla, my favourite Edinburgh deli. A good wide ranging chat with presenter Pennie Latin covering different ways of cooking apples. The mushroom piece was interesting and great to hear Mary’s Italian take on things!

Wigtown Book festival

October 31, 2022

I have just returned from a wonderful trip to the Wigtown Book festival, where I was being interviewed about my new book “Coasts and Waters MORE >

Managing a Food based zoom meeting

July 20, 2021

I get all sorts of enquiries for all sorts of different jobs, but one I had recently was just wonderful. As a member of the MORE >

Walking Tours

April 16, 2021

I am the chair of the Levenmouth Tourism Association, and we try to keep communication open with all “customer facing” enterprises in the region. As MORE >

Christopher Trotter – Chef, Writer, Food critic, Speaker